To give an idea of what the Harley "breakfast run" is about, an example is given below.
Every Harley dealership has a HOG (Harley Owners Group) Chapter associated with it. It is partially sponsored by the dealership and the Harler Davidson factory. Any new Harley owner has his/her first years membership paid for by the dealership the bike is purchased from. One of the things the HOG chapter organises is a Sunday breakfast run on most Sundays of the year.
All members get an sms on their cellphones and and e-mail about mid-week with the venue for the coming Sunday's breakfast run. "Run this Sunday 8th June will be to Crinkly Bottom in Midlands. Meet at dealership 8.00 for 8.30 Road Captain will be Ronnie Hales".
Usually about 15 to 25 riders will arrive by 8.20 on the Sunday. The dealership is always open, allowing for a wake-up cup of coffee (complimentary). The Road Captain will do an announcement of the roads we will use, identify any new riders (asking them to ride immediately behind him on the run to keep an eye out for any difficulties), appoint a sweeper and phone the destination restaurant with numbers on the ride. He will also check that all have full fuel tanks and allow on the ride for stopping if necessary to fill up (Sportster owners with the 12.5 liter tanks on longer runs).
The ride starts with the Road Captain pulling away slowly from the dealership, allowing all to get started and in the "train", with the sweeper bringing up the rear. The sweeper is usually someone with a bit of mechanical knowledge. There is also always a list of emergency numbers in the Road Captains pocket. The ride is not a hell for leather race up the road, but an organised, regulated, considerate trip along an interesting route to a stop that can provide a decent and usually scenic breakfast stop.
The rest at a later date.