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Monday, October 1, 2012

Broken Throttle Cable

I've seen it happen to my friends bikes, but this is a first for me. My mommy, daddy and I had got a little more than a block away from home on another brilliant sunny Saturday Spring morning in Durban, when turning the throttle suddenly had no effect. The motor just idled. According to daddy, there was no warning, no slackness or difficulty in turning the throttle, no nothing. Just working fine one minute, then nothing.

A couple of 'phone calls (first to the Harley dealership, then to our good friend Monty), determined how we were going to get this fixed. Monty fetched mommy 'n me and daddy idled the blue Harley along the roads to Monty's home. The Harley dealership were their normal helpful selves, offering to fetch the bike on a trailer and then order new throttle cables as they had none in stock (as usual). Our other Harley (a Black Sporty called Joli) was standing at the Harley dealership, so Monty offered to take us there to fetch it. We decided to stop on the way at The Biker Store to see if they had cables in stock, and, just like the tyre story, they did. Good ones too, the wire braided type. So with our new cables in hand we fetched Joli and went back to Monty's to fit them. After rubbing a bit of salt in the wounds of our friends at Harley (Jason, Chris & Mike) about their not having stock again, we found that they had done a great free cleaning of Joli before we collected it. A classy set-up.

Monty went to a lot of trouble to help fit the new cables. We had to dismantle the throttle grip mount on the handle bars, take off the air filter, the seat and lift the petrol tank. Doing a great job of fitting them, meant oiling the cable inside first (to avoid fraying) and checking that the correct opening and closing fittings were used, then making sure they were adjusted correctly with no play in the cable so the throttle could open and close fully. This took about three hours, but the bike is going better than before, with more feel in the throttle.
Finished just in time to watch the Bokke thrashing the Aussies on the Rugby field - YAY, go Beast.

Bye for now.

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