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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wildlife in St. Lucia

Here we are with another beautiful morning in St. Lucia.

The estuary is over THERE!
We decided to explore a bit (can't explore too much, St. Lucia is quite small) and found that there is a boardwalk, about a kilometer long, linking the estuary on the South side of the village to the beach. Winds through trees and alongside the estuary - just beautiful.

This short trip allowed us to see about ten hippos in shallow water, two buck crossing the road, a few monkeys swinging in the trees and some meerkats looking for food to swipe. Just awesome.

Bring on the FISH!
Staff singing and dancing at 8.00 am
Which made us hungry too. One of the highlights of the trip to St. Lucia is going to the Ocean Basket Restaurant for fish and chips. We have tried lots of the branches of this franchise, but what is presented at the St. Lucia branch is The Best! It also adjoins a Portuguese restaurant called Braza which is owned by the same guy. With mommy being Portuguese, and St. Lucia being quite close to the Mozambique border there is always a waiter to speak Portuguese to, who comes from the same area Mommy was born. Braza does Portuguese, Mozambican and Brazilian food, with Mommy having Sardines with vegetables done the Mozambican way, and Daddy the Prego Steak Roll, accompanied by a bottle of Graca to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. Another pleasant surprise, was the staff at Perna-Perna getting together at 8.00 in the morning to sing hymns to start the day. The staff make the difference here as every effort is made to make ones stay pleasant, with a welcoming cool glass of juice and popcorn, smiles and pleasant greetings from all. A lovely stay at a luxury chalet. Flatscreen tv's upstairs and downstairs, aircon, granite fitted kitchen with all utensils and equipment. Even a lock=up garage for the Harley.

More tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Save The Rhinos - St.Lucia.

Just before we arrived at St. Lucia, we found this little roadside shop, which has taken the Rhinos plight to heart, something which we fully sympathise. Have a look at Mommy's Rhino movie on YouTube at this link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsZp-aUotm8&list=PLntU6lvo66YUXITEwNjkj9cRTI7gQw6XD - We had to stop and investigate.
Valentino and Mommy at Save the Rhino Site.

The shop collects funds by having members of the public who are interested sponsoring a cross for R100.00 (about $80.00). There are also collectibles inside, handmade by the local population, of which a portion of the sales price goes to the fund. Currently most of the funds are going to pay for the helicopters used which hunt for poachers who are killing the Rhino's. Positive feedback is that recently three poachers were shot dead from the air in this area, and this has reduced the poacher activity somewhat. YAY!!

I got to sit on this exhibit, which was great fun.
Valentino on "Rhino"

The Rhino didn't move at all. I have heard the phrase "a bull in a China shop", but this beats that easily. It's a Rhino in a souvenir store. This is a full size fibreglass copy, and it usually stands outside the shop behind all the crosses, but the local schoolkids throw stones and sand clods at it, and have managed to break its tail recently. Some of us seem to just know how to break and destroy what is around us, while others make and create what we believe will take us forward. Like Daddy's motto says, "be part of the solution, not part of the problem"!! I suppose there will always be those who are a problem, but we can work to change as many of those as possible, to make a better life for all of us. It just is demoralizing to seem to be fighting upstream when the leaders of our society seem to be supporting the problem. So sad. Remember to make your vote count.

This St. Lucia story is going to be continued tomorrow.

Daddy seems to be giving the "Save the Rhino" site the thumbs up!

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Monday, February 18, 2013

St. Lucia - A Return Adventure

Valentino, Mommy and Daddy are visiting St. Lucia again. The 18th of February 2013, is their first wedding anniversary, and Daddy said this is certainly cause for celebration and adventure.

We all like St. Lucia with its relaxed outlook and animals all over that seem to behave a lot better than people in the cities. The tension in the cities means regular visits and Harley rides to places like St. Lucia are a necessity to remain in a positive frame of mind.

So, here we are.

The ride from Durban was really nice, we managed to avoid rainy showers on the way, and just saw some wet roads. The further from Durban we got, the sunnier it became. About 160km's from Durban. is Richards Bay, with it;s bayside suburb of Meerensee, an ideal half way spot for a snack. The Mustang restaurant next to the harbour provided fresh good food in a lovely location. This was also where Daddy had his first Harley Rally with the HOG Durban Chapter, back in 2006.

Getting back on the road, it was a pleasant 1 hour ride to St. Lucia, with the Harley thundering along the roads without missing a beat. We saw a roadside tourist shop near St. Lucia that is doing a lot to support the "Save the Rhino's" movement. The next post will show that.

We arrived at our holiday home at Perna Perna, to a great welcome and a lovely flat. No time was wasted getting to the swimming pool to cool off. February in St. Lucia is HOT!

More on this adventure tomorrow.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Poem For Late Grandpa - Valentino

The 5th February 1923 - the day J. J. Swanepoel was born, Father to Johan and Robin, Father-in-law to Lila, Grandfather to Robyn and me - Valentino. He was a man whose life was one of serving others: his mother, brothers and sister when his father died in a coal mine accident in 1931 (when Grandpa was 8 years old), his country when he went to war in World War II (his story of the war is on the internet - click here to see), and his wife and children once he got married, in 1947.

Today we post a poem dedicated to this good man.

For My Grandpa

© Ilona Blake
Grandpa Swanie,Grandma Elsie and Valentino
I know we are all feeling a little bit sad,
That we've lost our Grandpa, our friend and our dad
Together we have cried an ocean of tears
As we feel so empty and hold many fears

But Grandpa would want us to know he's in a good place
And that he watching us all with a smile on his face
As we have made him so proud, as proud as can be
That he has raised such a beautiful and special family

Thinking back now I really must say
I feel lucky and privileged to have known Grandpa to this day
For in my life, you have played a special part
The memories I will treasure and keep close to your heart

For me I am sad my little baby he never got to meet
And for all of us, be grateful, his life is now complete
To each one of us he has loved and cared
And a family, be thankful for the good times we shared

Although he has gone we will always be together
And his spirit will live on each one of us forever
When you look to the sky, look for the brightest star
As that will be Grandpa looking down on us from afar

And now I would like to thank the good Lord above
For blessing us with our Grandpa with his kindness and love
Dear God, if it is not too much fuss
Take extra special care of our Grandpa as he is very dear to us

Grandpa if you are listening say a prayer for us every day
Be sure to protect us and guide us on our way
We know when God called you, you had to go
But we want you to know Grandpa we miss you and love you so
Grandpa Swanie, Grandma Elsie and Valentino.