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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Harley-Davidson Sportster For Sale


Sadly, I have decided that it is better to sell my first Harley than have it standing in my garage, While sentiment says I would rather hang on to it, it isn't doing the Milwaukee machine any good to just stand and get ridden once every couple of months. So, here it is!

This pic was taken in 2006 on the Durban beachfront.

The Specifications:
Harley-Davidson XL883 2002
Colour Black

Extras fitted:
Touring seat - R5 000.00
Sissy bar - R4 500.00
Screaming Eagle II exhausts - R2 500.00
Bikini Tank protector - R350.00
Chrome Clutch & Brake levers - R900.00
Kuryakin mirrors - R950.00
Motor upgrade to 1200cc - R12 500.00
more extra's will be shown.

Taken in 2011
This is a Harley with history. It has been to many HOG rally's and Harley rally's (Richards Bay - 2006, Montagu - 2007, St' Lucia - 2008, Colesburg 2008, Wild Coast - 2008, Black Rock East London - 2009) and served as Road Captains/ Safety Officers on Durban Chapter breakfast runs for a couple of years (2006 to 2008). It was used to win two prizes at the 2007 Montagu Rally in the riders competitions. It is a much loved and well known member of the Durban Harley community.

If you are interested in providing a good home for this Sportster and willing to pay R27 500.00 for it, contact me by email at halfblueape@gmail.com or post a comment below and I will get back to you a.s.a.p.